About Us

Here we are more than just therapist. We are individuals who have walked the path of mental health challenges. Therapy Shmerapy is built on a foundation of lived and living experience, recognising the power of personal narratives in fostering genuine connection and change. We understand that navigating mental health can be challenging and transformative.

We have come from experiences that have left us feeling invalidated, disappointed, and scared of seeking mental health support. The concept of Therapy Shmerapy originates from this as an understanding that traditional or stereotypical therapy is not always what will help us. We take a depathologising approach, meaning we do not seek to diagnose or medicalise appropriate reactions to life events and trauma. Research has shown repeatedly that the best predicator of positive outcomes in a health setting is the connection we share with our practitioner. At Therapy Shmerapy we achieve this through our shared experience navigating our mental health. Sure, no two experiences are exactly the same, but at least we can guarantee that we have some sort of experience.

The name Therapy Shmerapy also acts as a method of reducing stigma in the mental health space. It implies that going to therapy shouldn't be a big deal, with hopes to normalise conversations particularly around complex mental health.


Ardito, R.B. and Rabellino, D. (2011) ‘Therapeutic alliance and outcome of psychotherapy: Historical excursus, measurements, and prospects for Research’, Frontiers in Psychology, 2. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2011.00270.

Fortuna, K.L., Solomon, P. and Rivera, J. (2022) ‘An update of Peer Support/peer provided services underlying processes, benefits, and critical ingredients’, Psychiatric Quarterly, 93(2), pp. 571–586. doi:10.1007/s11126-022-09971-w.

Howard, R., Berry, K. and Haddock, G. (2021) ‘Therapeutic alliance in psychological therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and meta‐analysis’, Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29(2), pp. 373–399. doi:10.1002/cpp.2642.

Prusiński, T. (2022) ‘The strength of alliance in individual psychotherapy and patient’s wellbeing: The relationships of the therapeutic alliance to psychological wellbeing, Satisfaction With Life, and flourishing in adult patients attending individual psychotherapy’, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2022.827321.

Shea, L.L. et al. (2022) ‘Autistic-delivered peer support: A feasibility study’, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders [Preprint]. doi:10.1007/s10803-022-05816-4.

Our Values